Facebook Reviews for Karma Peace
Joe Studebaker - Dayton, Ohio
I just finished Karma Peace. Thank you. Thank you for the pains I know you
have experienced to bring forth such beauty. Thank you for sharing. As any
good book, KP has touched many cords, nerves, secret places, identity soft
spots and hard pressed callouses of Reason. A wonderful book for reflection.
I will read it again, soon, to see what I missed with the first reading. You see
more when you're not looking for what is on the next page. ;) The book was
a truly wonderful experience for me. Many, many thanks and blessings.
Kristin Casey - Austin, Texas
Connie M. Van Cleve has a way of instantly getting inside a character's head so
they jump off the page and straight into your heart. Karma's confounding
confusion and emotional pain really resonated with me as did her frantic
desperation to change her situation. I was totally swept up in her journey and
quest to understand all the bizarre pieces of her life & past and how they
threaded into the fabric of her identity. And the rich descriptions of India,
clearly derived first hand, were as authentic as the diverse and fascinating
characters. Their stories are woven together so carefully that all their
seemingly jagged little pieces eventually fall together into this one brilliant
vision of self-awareness. It's truly an inspired work.
Heather Cruickshank - Louisville, Kentucky
Your book was amazing! The ending took me completely by surprise. It was
very entertaining, a real page-turner; very well-developed and researched,
and I would definitely recommend it to friends and family. Keep up the good
work, madam. Namaste!
Dan Evers - Wichita, Kansas
Karma Peace...WOW! WHAT A FANTASTIC JOURNEY! Connie has a
gifted literary talent to make characters, sounds, smells, and colors come to
life in the readers mind in the wonderful tale of a woman searching for her
inner peace. Her literary transition from character to character and situation to
situation is spot on and makes for an easy to follow and exciting read! I can’t
wait for the sequel!!! Hmm? Maybe a storyline about the twins, Chandra and
Tara’s Journey perhaps! ;)
Laura Hawes Meeks - Lancaster, California
Karma Peace was a magnificent read! I loved every moment of it. I can't wait
for Connie's next book, whenever that may be. A gifted writer, to be sure
Kelly Turknett - Pahoa, Hawaii
I went to bed early and stayed up late, just to read another page. I love the
intricacy of the story. Connie makes color jump from a black and white page.
Well done.
Michelle Catlin - Olympia, Washington
Finished your book today Connie...I absolutely loved it :) I gushed on and on
to everyone about it today so I hope they shared...I look forward to talking
to you about it, too...The ending was unexpected and beautiful...I cried!!!!
Amazing job!
Carla Osterby - Seattle, Washington
Really enjoyed your book. Your words paint a vivid picture of India...and the
human condition...
Rebecca Pollard (first entry) - Blandford, Massachusetts
I am in Costa Rica reading your book. After 4 hours of spanish and before 2
hours of yoga it is a perfect escape. Thanks!
Rebecca Pollard (second entry)
I finished your book last night. Great job!!! And I agree with your quote (on
fear), am now reading a book called 'When Fear Falls Away'. I hope it will
for me...
Lynn B Savage - Saint Louis Park, Minnesota
Began my new year by reading the first several chapters of Karma Peace.
Very good stuff! The connection between the camel and Sweetheart the
horse brought tears to my eyes.
Jennie Palmer (first entry) - Crystal River, Florida
KARMA PEACE....what a wonderful book. Connie I do not have the
literary skills as yourself, but I can say, that with your writing I am able to be
right there with you in the book and use all my senses...through feeling,
seeing, hearing, smelling and tasting. It's a full blown mind eruption just in the
first few pages...Totally awesome!
Jennie Palmer (second entry)
I am a slow methodical reader Connie...and your book Karma Peace actually
speeds up my process as I turn each page...It is so well written and you are
an exceptional author...thanks for being a part of so many peoples lives...this
should be on the Best Seller List!!!
Penny Gillman, Author of The Wigapom Quest - London, United Kingdom
Wow, Connie! Just read the first 30% of the KP ebook download (yep, link
works brilliantly) and am full of praise for the story so far...can't wait to finish
it. Well done! It's gutsy and evocative and mysterious and a hundred other
epithets I could use. Great stuff!
Colorado Springs, CO - Rosie Milatz-Good :
Just finished the book this morning. Please tell me you have plans to write
more books!
Connie Van Cleve:
Wow, Rosie! You finished already? Awesome. And yes, I am in the
incubation stage of the sequel to KARMA PEACE...thanks for asking. That
must mean that you enjoyed it! ;
Rosie Milatz-Good:
It doesn't take me long to read a book that keeps my attention. It was
wonderful. Looking forward to the next one.
Rebecca Coors (first entry) - New Carlisle, Ohio
I'm only about a quarter of the way through, and I am so happy we
connected on Face book, so that I may become aware of your baby. I am
loving your colorful, original metaphors. The honesty in which you describe
India, and the main character including her own flaws, shows the good, bad,
and ugly, of both, still...leaving the reader wanting more and rooting for
Karma. Thanks for sharing your experiences + imagination.
Rebecca Coors (second entry)
I finished Karma Peace and loved it. I chuckled at the humor, and cringed at
the gritty parts. I felt It was an honest portrayal of the multi layered
characteristics, not only human beings posses, but the country she turns to for
her salvation as well. Thanks so much for putting forth the effort in writing and
publishing Karma Peace.
Diane Diamond (first entry) - Palm Springs, Florida
Thank you Connie so much , I received my book yesterday evening it is
absolutely magnificent reading !! I know I will read it over and over. It is so
deep. Truly a unique and most needed book nowadays. Thank you somuch it
will have a special place on my bookcase!!
Diane Diamond (second entry)
A really great book! Actually, it's more than a book, it's a journey...
Diane Diamond (third entry)
Connie: there is only one word for your book: AWESOME!! Just finished
reading it last night...what a great book!!!
Beth Chase Hluska - Portland, Oregon
Just finished this book last night...LOVED it!
Maya Judicia de Souza - Fremantle, Australia
I finished Karma Peace! My girl, it was a very good and interesting read, and
I'm sure it was for you such a release to put all your feelings and experiences
together to produce such a piece. I saw in my mind the places you
mentioned, and thought, we were in the same places...once, at separate
times. And maybe before that...together. I love that we are able to see
beyond what is generally accepted by the masses! I am going to lend the
book to my mum, I know she's going to love it too!
Dr. Heather Friedman Rivera, Author and founder of Past Life Research Institute - Huntington Beach, California
Just finished reading "Karma Peace". I enjoyed it very much, the scenery,
attention to detail (felt like I was right there in India with Karma) the
characters and, of course, anything with past life recall as that is my area of
study. Thank you, Connie. Namaste.
More to come soon...